Constanta General Port Rules

Constanta General Port Rules

Art. 1 – In Constanta Port following rules are en force starting 01.09.2003 as per Law no. 956 / 23.06.2003: 

Section I – Navigation on roads and inner harbour


Safety of navigation on roads and inner harbour

Art. 2 – (1) In Constanta Port are not allowed maneuvering during night time for:

a) vessels with more than 16 m draft in Berths 80, 81, 82 (Comvex area) if alongside Berth 79 is a tanker vessel under operations;

b) tanker vessels with more than 11 m draft and which are under loading/discharging oil products.

– (2) Constanta Port Control has the authority to forbid maneuvering in Constanta port when wind speed is over 7BFS or visibility is below 0.5 m.

Art. 3 – Constanta Port VHF channels for communications are as follows:

  • CH 14 – for pilotage; 
  • CH 11, CH 5, CH 17 – for towage; 
  • CH 13 – Naval Intervention and Salvage Group; 
  • CH 67, CH 16 for contact in case of danger and for contact Port Control; 
  • CH 67, CH 71 – Harbour Master Offices 
  • CH 12, CH 16 for contact in case of danger and Constanta Radio station; 
  • CH 69 – for maneuvering and operations for Oil Terminal; 
  • CH 9 – for maneuvering and operations in river-maritime area. 


Special rules for river vessels (berthing and operations)

Art. 4 – In Constanta Port are river vessels without bow thrusters are allowed to be anchored only in areas nominated by port authority; maximum number is 3 vessels under direct supervision and responsibility of port operator of the vessels.

Section II – Safety services provided in Romanian ports


Pilotage, towage, mooring – unmooring of maritime vessels

Art. 5 – (1) Inner Constanta harbour pilotage of maritime vessels is compulsory as follows:

  1. Area I – Constanta North which covers the north part of Constanta port till lighthouse on entrance in this area, including Berth 78; 
  2. Area II – Constanta South which covers the south part of Constanta port between lighthouses on entrance in north area (starting from Berth 79) and end of north and south break-waters. 
    The waterway access parallel with north break-water is considered as belonging to both areas. 

– (2) In Constanta Port pilotage for maritime vessels is compulsory for following situations: entering/sailing in/from port or port areas, transiting port from/to naval shipyards or transiting port from/to connected navigable channels and for shifting between berths of the same port or between inner roads and port berths.

  Art. 6 – (1) All vessels which are in area of traffic control of Constanta port will act as per Port Control instructions referring place and time for embarking/disembarking of the pilot.

– (2) Pilot embarking is compulsory for all vessels, latest on entrance in Constanta Port, meaning from traverse of south cardinal buoy, except liner vessels which can embark pilot in inner roads.

– (3) Pilot will disembark earliest on exit from port, meaning Constanta Pilot (CP) buoy, except liner vessels which can disembark pilot in inner roads. 

Art. 7 – In Constanta Port towage for maritime vessels is compulsory as follows: 

  1. Area I – Constanta North which covers north part of Constanta Port till lighthouse on entrance in this area, including Berth 78; 
  2. Area II – Constanta South which covers the south part of Constanta port between lighthouses on entrance in north area (starting from Berth 79) and end of north and south break-waters. The waterway access parallel with north break-water is 
    considered as belonging to both areas.

Art. 8 – (1) In Constanta Port following types of vessels are compulsory to use tug boats during maneuvering:

a) tanker vessels carrying oil products;

b) vessels carrying dangerous cargoes;

c) vessels carrying cargoes and/or passengers having over 1,000 NRT, excepting vessels which have bow thrusters or 2 (two) rudders and 2 (two) propellers or other equivalent propulsion systems;

d) marine drilling platforms; 

e) barges with maritime class used for maritime transport.

– (2) For vessels up to 1,000 NRT and for vessels with bow thrusters or 2 (two) rudders and 2 (two) propellers or other equivalent propulsion systems, towage services and number of tug boats will be requested by Master of the vessel and Pilot depending hydro-meteorological conditions and having Harbour Master’s approval.

– (3) For vessels mentioned on paragraph no. (1) towage is compulsory for entering/sailing maneuvering in Constanta Port as follows:

a) for vessels up to 130 m LOA towage is done by minimum 1 (one) tug boat of minimum 600 HP, depending on hydro-meteorological conditions;

b) for vessels between 131 and 150 m LOA towage is done by minimum 2 (two) tug boats of minimum 600 HP each, depending on hydro-meteorological conditions;

c) for vessels between 151 and 200 m LOA towage is done by minimum 2 (two) tug boats, one of minimum 1200 HP and the other of minimum 2400 HP, depending on hydro-meteorological conditions;

d) for vessels between 201 and 250 m LOA towage is done by minimum 3 (three) tug boats, one of minimum 2400 HP and the other two of minimum 4800 HP, depending on hydro-meteorological conditions;

e) for vessels over 251 m LOA or with draft over 17 m towage is done by minimum 4 (for) tug boats, 2 (two) of minimum 2400 HP and the other two of minimum 4800 HP, depending on hydro-meteorological conditions.

Art. 9 – In Constanta Port mooring – unmooring of maritime vessels is compulsory for all types of vessels.The port of Constanta is divided into two areas as follows:

  1. Area I – Constanta North which covers north part of Constanta Port till lighthouse on entrance in this area, including Berth 78;
  2. Area II – Constanta South which covers the south part of Constanta port between lighthouses on entrance in north area (starting from Berth 79) and end of north and south break-waters.

Navigation / Documents / Notifications Required documents

On vessel’s arrival/departure, the port authorities require the following IMO standard FAL documents: 

  • 5 (copies) General Declaration, 
  • 5 (copies) Cargo Declaration 
  • 3 (copies) Ship’s Stores List 
  • 2 (copies) Crew Effects Declaration 
  • 5 (copies) Crew List 
  • 5 (copies) Passenger List 
  • 2 (copies) Cargo Plan 
  • 5 (copies) Maritime Declaration of Health 
  • 1 (copy) Derat Certificate, Derat Exemption Certificate 
  • 2 (copies) Phytosanitary Declaration 
  • 2 (copies) Sanitary-Veterinary Declaration ( in case of vessel carry perishable and agricultural cargo, live animals etc.)

The FAL documents will be dated and signed by Master, authorized Agent or Officer. In addition to the above, the following documents have to be available on board:

For all ships: 

  • Certificate of Registry 
  • International Tonnage Certificate 
  • International Load Line Certificate 
  • International Load Line Exemption Certificate 
  • Stability Information for Passenger Ships and Cargo Ships 
  • Minimum Safe Manning Certificate 
  • Certificate for Masters, Officers and Ratings 
  • International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate: 
  • Record of Construction and Equipment for Ships other than Tankers 
  • Record of Construction and Equipment for Oil Tankers
  • Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan 
  • Document of Compliance (copy) 
  • Safety Management Certificate

In addition to the requirements in the section 1, the passenger ships must have on board: 

  • Passenger Ship Safety Certificate 
  • Record of Equipment for the Passenger Ship Safety Certificate 
  • Exemption Certificate 
  • Special Trade Passenger Ship Safety Certificate 
  • Special Trade Passenger Ship Space Certificate

In addition to the certificates mentioned in the section 1, the cargo ships must have on board: 

  • Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate 
  • Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate
  • Record of Equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate
  • Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate
  • Record of Equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate
  • Exemption Certificate 
  • Document of Compliance with the Special Requirements for Ships Carrying 
    Dangerous Goods 
  • Dangerous Goods Manifest or Stowage Plan 
  • Document of Authorization to Load Grain 
  • Certificate of Insurance or Other Financial Security in Respect of Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage

In addition to the requirements mentioned in sections 1 and 3, all ships carrying noxious liquid substances must have on board: 

  • International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk (NLS Certificate) 
  • Cargo Record Book

In addition to the requirements mentioned in the sections 1 and 3 all tankers for chemical products carriage must have on board: 

  • Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (or 
    International Certificate of Fitness for Carriage) 
  • Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk(or International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk)

In addition to the requirements mentioned in the sections 1 and 3, all the tankers for liquefied gases carriage must have on board:

  • Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk (or International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk) 

In addition to requirements mentioned in the sections 1 and 3, all the high speed craft must have on board: 

  • High Speed Craft Safety Certificate 
  • Permit to Operate High Speed Craft

ISPS Arrival Notification

Please note below the information related to ISPS for Romanian ports. The ISPS Arrival Notification is compulsory to be sent by Master prior to arrival at Constanta, failure to do so may result in Authorities refusal to accept the ship entering to port.

Security level of port : 1 – DECLARED BY ROMANIAN GOVERNMENT.






Notice of arival: 

– From: 

– Port of destination: 

– For port control: 

– DATE: 

Ship identifiers 

1. Ship name/ Previous name

2. IMO Number

3. Call sign 

4. MMSI / Previous MMSI

5. Satellite / PHN / TLX / FAX


General data 

7. Ship type 

8. Flag

9. Port of registry 

10. Owner

11. Agent name / PHN / Fax / E-mail

Ship’s particulars 

12. Year of buil 

13. GRT

14. NRT

15. DWT

16. LOA

17. Breadth 

18. Summer Draught

19. Arrival Draught

Ship’s Voyage

20. ETA

21. Previous port / Date of departure 

22. ETD

23. Port of destination/ ETA

Port facilities 

24. Purpose of call 

25. Port Operator 

General cargo 

26. Cargo type 

27. Operation type 

28. Quantity

29. From / To

Dangerous cargo (supplimentary info)

30. IMDG Class

31. UN number 

32. Package type 

33. Position on board 

34. Dishcharging – (to)

35. Loading – (to)

36. Dangerous cargo in transit 

Other ISPS code informations 

37. ISPS certificate **

38. (Note 1) Security level required 

39. Flag state authorities from which relevant data regarding security and communications can be obtained 

40. Security nonconformities 

41. If a declaration of security is required 

42. Other relevant data related to ISPS code 

43. Crew number / PAX 

44. Crew list (name, nationality, rank, passport/ seaman book nr.) to be attached/faxed

General Data Arrival Notification

A. General information for all vessels: 

– ETA / ETD;

– Vessel’s name / former names/ call sign / flag;

– IMO number / MMSI number;

– Type of vessel / year of built;

– GRT, NRT, DWT, LOA, breadth;

– Maximum draft, arrival draft, intended departure draft;

– Owner’s / Operator’s / Charterers name and address;

– Master’s full name;

– Number of crew (including master) / number of passengers;

– Purpose of call;

– Last port of call / next port of destination;

– Cargo on board, cargo to be discharged / loaded, quantities / hatch distribution. (if dangerous cargo, UN number / class in accordance with IMDG or IBC, BCH, IGC, INF Code must be specified);

– Quantity of ballast to be discharged and provenance;

– Capacity of sludge / bilge tanks, Quantity of sludge / bilge;

– Ship’s statutory certificates expired on arrival;

– Validity of ISM certificates (DOC, SMC);

– Date and place of last PSC report;

– Any deficiency of hull machinery or equipment which may affect safe maneuverability of the vessel, affect the safety of the other vessels, constitute an hazard to the marine environment, to person or property;

B. Supplementary information for tankers only

– Whether gas free or in an inert condition;

– Validity of Civil liability Certificate (for tankers of more than 2,000 dwt.);

– Quantity of segregated / clean / dirty ballast on board;

– Quantity of ballast to be delivered ashore;

– Capacity / quantity of slop tanks;

– COW time, if to be performed – if applicable 

Wastes and Residues arrival notification

The Wastes and Residues Arrival Notification is compulsory to be sent by Master prior to arrival at Constanta, failure to do so may result in Authorities refusal to accept the ship entering to port.


information to be notified before entry into the port of: _______________

(Port of destination as referred to in art. 6 of the present order)

  1. Name, call sign and, where appropriate, IMO identification number of the ship:
  2. Flag State:
  3. Estimated time of arrival:
  4. Estimated time of departure:
  5. Previous port of call:
  6. Next port of call:
  7. Last port and date when ship-generated waste was delivered:
  8. Are you delivering:

all some none *)

of your waste into port reception facilities?

  • Type and amount of waste and residues to be delivered and/or remaining on board, and percentage of maximum storage capacity:

If you deliver all waste and residues, complete second column as appropriate.

If you deliver, partly or no, waste and residues, complete all columns.

TypeWaste to be delivered (cbm)Maximum dedicated storage capacity (cbm)Amount of waste retained on board (cbm)Port at which remaining waste will be deliveredEstimated amount of waste which will be generated between notification and next port of call (cbm)
1. Waste oils
Bilge water
Others (specify)
2. Garbage
Food waste
3.Cargo-associated waste 1) (Specify)
4.Cargo residues 1)

1) May be estimated

2) Tick the appropriate box


  1. This information shall be communicated to the port administration of the port of call.
  2. This information shall be communicated also to RNA
  3. This form has to be completed even if the ship is covered by an exception in accordance with Article 9 of the present order.

I confirm that:

– the above details are accurate and correct; and

– there is sufficient dedicated capacity on board to store all waste generated between notification and the next port at which waste will be delivered.

Date: ____________

Time: ____________

Master’s/ dedicated person’s signature

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